Attract High Ticket Clients as a Coach or Healer  

Discover Your Authority Positioning. Create Your High Ticket Offer. 
Find Your Magnetic Message 

Enrol now and receive extra time in the program!
The next round of Impact Accelerator officially starts January 8th 2024, so when you enrol now you will be able to start now and receive extra time in the program from now until January as a FREE bonus !

"$82k and counting" since she joined the program!
Jo Zulaica - Leadership Coach - USA
"I haven't made less than $10k a month since my 2nd month"
Brockell Briddle - Yoga Mentor - USA
"I signed 19 clients and hit $10k months by the 3rd month”
Kerrie Nygard - Weight Loss Coach - USA
“I got 14 high ticket clients and I feel so confident in the work I do now”
Jill Coole - Hypnotherapist - Australia
"I got clear on my message and had a £10k DAY as a womb shaman!”
Debs Stanley - Womb Shaman - UK
“I got 11 high ticket clients and hit $10k-14k every month! It feels easy!”
Arianna Banuelos - Fertility & Mom Coach - US

In the last 10 years, coaching hundreds of coaches and healers from zero to 7-figures, I’ve received countless messages sharing the struggle to sign clients consistently:

“Some months are up, some are down.”

“ I spend too much time and energy trying to find clients instead of serving my clients.”

“Money comes and goes.” 

“I never know when the next client is going to come.”

All of this can slowly chip away at our sense of self worth.

 While on paper it seems achievable to make $10,000 each month, it can also feel tough in practice.

We all have a beautiful gift to share with the world. You see how your work is so needed, and how many people need your help.

We’re working toward the highest good, so we shouldn’t be held back from that by struggling for money and clients, right?

I believe people ought to be able to earn a great income in order to fulfil their destiny to serve the world. 

And if you're reading this page I like to think that the solution has found you, and I am thrilled to share it with you...

Let’s take a step back to 9 years ago… early 2014...

I remember sitting at my computer in my tiny spare bedroom office in London, with the bed squashed up against my desk. 

I was exhausted after a full day of working on my first coaching business, trying to understand how I could spend 12 hours at my desk and have nothing to show for it.

That first year of business was tough for me. I watched other people in my industry zoom to six figures and I wondered…

What was wrong with me?

I was a smart, capable woman - before I became an entrepreneur, I worked in one of the top investment banks in the world, so why couldn’t I figure this out?

After a year of trying on my own, I realised I couldn’t do this alone. 

I had to get outside help. 

So I got myself into a group business coaching programme. 

It cost a scary amount of money at the time, but I also knew that continuing to do the same thing was going to get me the same results.

I followed my mentor’s strategy religiously, implementing each piece into my business. I also had to learn how to do deep inner work and mindset work to shift my limiting beliefs about money. 

When I joined that programme, my income was hovering around $500 a month. After 2 months of implementation and a huge learning curve, I replaced my previous monthly net salary of around $2,500 per month. 

Within 6 months, I was hitting $25,000 in a single month.

The next year I won an award for growing my business to multiple six figures.

My work was being featured in important media, from the Financial Times to the London Evening Standard, and even to German state TV ZDF.

And more importantly - the money I was earning was a reflection of the impact I was having on my clients’ lives. 

By this time, aspiring female entrepreneurs were coming to me to help them build their dream business - so they could create the life they wanted and live on purpose as well.

It’s been nearly 10 years since then. I evolved, trained and got certified with many different coaching modalities. I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners directly, and reached hundreds of thousands more.

But along the way, I realised that the marketing and coaching industry was broken.

Here’s the problem: the complex strategies being taught in online marketing are not needed by most coaches & healers.

There's no need to become tech experts and online marketing nerds, trying to automate everything.

Because you're likely not a tech nerd... you're a coach or healer! 

And as coaches and healers... we love people! 

That’s why we do what we do in the first place.

So I needed to figure out a NEW, simple way to connect with my ideal clients.

Eventually, after many failed experiments, I started to figure out what worked.

So I saw how to laser in on my message so that it spoke straight to the heart of the exact right people.

Instead of long complicated marketing, within moments, I could be in real conversation with ideal clients.

I was attracting in over 100 dream leads a week, without ads.

The best part - at least 5 of them would reach out to me direct, asking ME if I would work with them!

I kept tweaking, refining, simplifying this system that I now call my MAGNETIC Method (more on that below).

I started waking up feeling empowered again. I knew exactly how to connect with the right people. 

And I enjoyed the process of marketing because I was doing it on my own terms. Life can change very quickly when clients are swimming towards you instead of the opposite.

Quickly, word spread about me. 

Members of my community were tagging me as an expert in other people’s posts. I had constant inflow of people interested in my work. I was respected and admired as a role model to follow.

Even better - I was making an impact. People were even getting results from the free content I put out! When you get thank you letters every day, your motivation to work on your mission goes through the roof!

I used this system to launch this program and make almost $150,000 in just 90 days...

And scaled to $86,000 by the 3rd month - a 7-figure run rate:

From there, my husband and business partner joined me in jointly coaching our clients

He brought his wisdom from scaling our business to a 7 figure run rate behind the scenes, as well as his grounded masculine perspective and deep coaching experience. 

Our business continued to scale over the next few years to reach 7-figures.

Then, we launched a second coaching business with a business partner and scaled that to $100k months as well.

We've taken all our learning from personally coaching over 300  coaches & healers, and training 4,000+ more...

And we've distilled this down into a practical, actionable business acceleration blueprint that coaches and healers from dozens if not hundreds of niches have followed successfully over the last few years.


If you want to hit your first six figures, you don’t need a super complicated marketing strategy.

You need a simple system that attracts in the right clients, that’s easy to use and feels authentic to run.

We have created something unique in the coaching world - a simple method that’s designed not for online marketers, but for heart-centred, client-loving coaches healers and service providers.

I care deeply about impact and making sure that coaches and healers can share their gifts with the world.

I believe that if you’re here, you also have a mission and a purpose to fulfil.

But to fully live your gifts, you need to be able to attract in clients consistently.

You need to be able to live your life fully, to provide financial stability for yourself and your family.

Most importantly, you need to set the example to others of what it means to live a fully purpose-driven life. To live in a higher, more abundant consciousness. To be a role model for your family and clients and the wider world.

The world needs more people like you to step up and live their truth fully - and that means being able to create a consistent income using your gifts to help your clients.

I want you to fulfil YOUR destiny - because the world needs you. And you deserve to live your fullest expression of life.

So it is my honour to invite you to become a member of the  Impact Accelerator™:

The Impact Accelerator™ is a 3-month immersive coaching program to implement my MAGNETIC Method™ and transform your business into a consistent income generator so you can focus on doing your best work with your clients.

Through a unique combination of in-depth video modules and deep dive personalized coaching (and a whole lot more bonuses you'll find below!), I will personally guide you to implement the Magnetic Method, to set up your business model and your marketing in the right way and start attracting high-paying clients for your business.

You'll be able to enjoy the income you desire and live the life that you want for you & your family.

You’ll grow your confidence as a leader in your industry, so you step up and fearlessly share your true message.

And most important - you’ll finally make the impact you’re here to make.

So, if you have ever... 

  • ​Struggled to attract clients for your business..
  • ​Wasted money on ads that didn’t convert
  • ​​Driven yourself crazy trying to figure out complex, automated marketing
  • ​​Gone a month or more without booking any clients at all

…Then what I have put together is for YOU.

This simple marketing method is responsible for generating at least 100 ideal client leads for me every week - without paying for ads, a highly converting offer and effortless sales.

This coaching programme walks you through every step of implementing the MAGNETIC Method into your business. There’s nothing else like it. 

For the first time, everything you need to create a consistent $10k+ each month as a coach or healer is in one programme.

The MAGNETIC Method:

Nano-Niche: Our process to understand your ideal clients' needs and desires

Maximum Value Offer: How to create a high ticket offer that sells out

Client Magnet Message: Exactly what to say to attract your ideal clients

Ethical Sales: Our process to convert attention to paid clients in an ethical way

Energetic Alignment: Shift your mindset, energy and confidence to become a true leader & hit your goals

From $100 a session to $10k month in just 13 weeks
Natasha Burns - Homeopath - UK
"$10,400 in month 1... $15,600 in the pipeline for month 2!"
Lynda Carpenter - Cancer Specialist - USA
"I've found my voice and I'm now working with high ticket clients"
Kamilla Harra - Spiritual Coach - Ireland
"I hit my goal of $4k in months 1-3, then hit $10k easily in month 4!"
Chrissie Catling - RTT for Trauma - Australia
"I've doubled and tripled my income every month since joining"
Amani Kaite - Gut Health Nutritionist - UK
"I've had 7 high ticket clients so far and more are coming!"
Farah Asif - Personal Branding Coach - France



How often have you posted something and got no response? Or put out an offer that got zero buyers?

The reason? You're not catching the attention of your audience.

Nano-Niching is how we learn exactly what your ideal clients want to hear from you, because when you talk about what they want - they listen. Understanding their language and being able to translate that into your message & offers is the foundation of everything else in your business.

In Nano-Niching, you'll learn:

  • Why the usual “ideal client” research is nonsense, and instead how to identify, define and analyse a specific “nano-niche” who will love everything you offer
  • Exactly what to say to position yourself as a go-to resource and top authority in your field and attract clients you love working with.
  • ​How to get super clear on your message to attract in the right clients who can pay your highest rates
  • ​How to analyse your market's desires & needs so you can develop messaging and offers that speak directly to what they want. As one of my Nano-Niche participants said to me as she bought my program "it's like you made this for me!" (I did!)

Once we have our Nano-Niche, then we need to create the right thing to sell them. That’s where Maximum Value Offer™ comes in...


Maximum Value Offer™

Have you ever had customers who know they need help but won't or don't want to pay for it?

Maybe you put offers out there but you hear zero back.

In tech startup circles they talk about “MVP” - Minimum Viable Product. Aka, how can we create the most basic thing that will still make money?

I’m inviting you to turn that on its head: instead, how can you create the best possible offer?

You are SO much more than the modality you’re trained in. How can you create a truly transformational experience for your clients?

This is an MVO - Maximum Value Offer™.

Together we’ll dig into:

  • The secret to creating a high ticket offer in any niche that will be worth at least 10x that in value
  • ​The exact questions you MUST ask to understand what your people really want from you so you are crystal clear on the service you offer
  • Developing a framework for your course or coaching package so you can make promises and confidently deliver on them time and time again - without burning out!
  • How to accurately test your offer before spending time and money developing it
  • How to understand what your people will pay ANY amount of money for
  • Create your own method or system that is a unique solution in the marketplace
  • Develop a program with world-class client experience, so that you get amazing results for your clients, they refer their friends, and your work becomes known as the go-to program to take in your industry.

Once we have our Maximum Value Offer, then we need to learn how to get the attention of our ideal clients so they can learn about our amazing offer!

Enter: Client Magnet...


Client magnet™

The marketing strategies taught by most of the business coaching industry are far too complex for coaches and healers who want t o reach six figures. Unless you’re churning thousands of customers through your courses,  you simply do not need all the complex funnels and automations. You can breathe a sigh of relief!

Instead you need a simple system that’s quick to learn and fun to run.

Enter Client Magnet™. 

It’s my powerful organic client attraction strategy that allows you to connect with real ideal clients in real time.

Client Magnet™ is so powerful that you’ll start being seen as an authority in your niche within weeks or even days. Clients will start seeking YOU out - sometimes even from reading just one Client Magnet Post.

You’ll love discovering:

  • Why the usual “ideal client” research is nonsense, and instead how to choose your “nano-niche” to position yourself as a go-to resource and top authority in your field for soulmate clients you love working with.
  • ​How to get super clear on your message to attract in the right clients who can pay your highest rates
  • ​How to create such genuinely valuable free social media content that your ideal clients reach out to you direct, excited to work with you
  • How to truly connect with your audience and build real relationships, not just “likes” and “comments”.
  • Where to find your clients (they already all hang out in one place!) to make marketing simple and efficient
  • ​How to be in constant conversation with your audience in a way that feels natural and aligned (and gives you all the powerful content ideas!)
  • Creating your own community of ideal clients who enthusiastically engage with your work and share your posts with their friends and peers

So, once you've attracted a bunch of leads to you who are excited to learn more, how do you turn that attention into actual paying clients, without selling out your morals or feeling like you're manipulating your prospects?

Enter: Ethical Sales Experience...


Ethical Sales experience™

Sales can often cause stress for coaches & healers - because most sales training teaches how to influence, manipulate, coerce and force people to give us money. No wonder coaches & healers often hate selling!

Instead, inside Ethical Sales Experience you’ll learn a new way of attracting clients:

  • How to get a yes before the call - i.e., how to give so much value and build so much trust that your prospects have already decided they want to work with you before you ever speak
  • Simple systems you can make once, that increase your sales call bookings
  • How to sell larger priced offerings that create genuine value for your clients
  • ​Exactly what to say to turn a new connection or “lead” into a paying client without being pushy or salesy
  • The #1 philosophy to create an honest, trusted brand and never impose on your clients goodwill, while still attracting clients each and every week
  • How to fill your practice without relying on slimy, sleazy sales practices
  • ​Authentic sales call structures that build your relationship with your audience, instead of turning them off (and these sales calls structures actually get *more* conversions!)



A lot of people think success means a lot of hard work and sacrifice. It’s definitely true… if you’re blocking all the opportunities with misaligned energy!

Success is SO much easier when we are energetically aligned with the outcome we desire. I’ll show you how to shift your energy to create true abundance and more ease both in your mind and in your reality.

You’ll discover:

  • The exact in-depth methods and tools I used to manifest $102,700 in just 2 weeks - and how you can implement this method to create your dream outcomes.
  • The ritual I do every morning that’s largely responsible for my seven-figure results.
  • Why you’ve created your current experience with money - and how to re-create a far more abundant one.
  • How to overcome fear and mindset blocks to create a thriving business.
  • How to feel confident being visible online and share powerful content.
  • How to set boundaries so you don’t stretch yourself too thin or over-promise your clients.
  • How to feel like an authority, not an imposter and overcome the feeling of not being qualified.
  • How to change your experience of life using the principles of Quantum Physics.
  • ​How to shift your self identity to literally recreate yourself as a six-figure earner.
  • ​​How to change your emotional programming to allow you to tap into higher, more abundant energy states.


Impact Accelerator

  • ​​Impact Accelerator Video Training Curriculum teaching Nano-Niching, Maximum Value Offers, Client Magnet Posts, Ethical Sales & Energetic Alignment
  • ​Weekly Small-Group Coaching Sessions with Rab & Rosie on Marketing Strategy, Energetic Alignment & Mindset
  • ​Private Members’ Community to Share Your Wins & Connect with the Other Members
  • Exclusive Access: Recordings of the 2022 Epic Abundance Live Retreat in Cannes, France
  • ​Free ticket to the 2023 Virtual Live Retreat in November (or recording)
  • ​1:1 Nano-Niche Coaching Call with Rosie & Rab to Develop your Nano-Niche
  • ​1:1 Personalised Nano-Niche Review to Analyse your Nano-Niche Data & Finalise your Nano-Niche
  • ​​1:1 Personalised Maximum Value Offer Review to Finalise Your Maximum Value Offer & Intellectual Property
  • ​1:1 Personalised Review of 5 Client Magnet Posts to Finalise Your Magnetic Message
  • ​​Weekly Progress Check-In Form to Update your Coach on your Progress & Stay on Target
  • ​​Weekly Written Strategic Feedback & Accountability from your Coach 

Best Seller

Impact Accelerator VIP

  • ​​Impact Accelerator Video Training Curriculum teaching Nano-Niching, Maximum Value Offers, Client Magnet Posts, Ethical Sales & Energetic Alignment
  • Weekly  Small-Group Coaching Sessions with Rab & Rosie on Marketing Strategy, Energetic Alignment & Mindset
  • ​Private Members’ Community to Share Your Wins & Connect with the Other Members
  • Exclusive Access: Recordings of the 2022 Epic Abundance Live Retreat in Cannes, France
  • ​​Free ticket to the 2023 Virtual Live Retreat in November (or recording)
  • ​1:1 Nano-Niche Coaching Call with Rosie & Rab to Develop your Nano-Niche
  • 1:1 Personalised Nano-Niche Review to Analyse your Nano-Niche Data & Finalise your Nano-Niche
  • ​​1:1 Personalised Maximum Value Offer Review to Finalise Your Maximum Value Offer & Intellectual Property
  • 1:1 Personalised Review of 5 Client Magnet Posts to Finalise Your Magnetic Message
  • Weekly Progress Check-In Form to Update your Coach on your Progress & Stay on Target
  • ​​Weekly Written Strategic Feedback & Accountability from your Coach 

Your 3 months in Impact Accelerator starts January 8th 2024!
That means you receive extra time in the program between when you enrol (now) and January as a FREE bonus !

So Schedule Your Call to Apply to Join Now:

To see more client results click here 👉 CLIENT RESULTS

"I had a $5k week and I quit 
my day job!"
Anna Fryxelius - Chronic Pain Specialist - Norway
"I had to open an extra day in my practice and I've sold high ticket!"
Nicole Schlogel - Vegan Midwife - N. Ireland
"I'm making money and I finally have a structure to my business"
Emelie Johanna - Spiritual Relationships - Sweden
"$6,000 in a week - and I'm a new entrepreneur!"
Olga Dos Santos - Wellness Coach - Canada

Book a call to discuss our program:

What makes this programme different?

Let me reiterate...
Impact Accelerator is NOT like any other program you’ve ever taken.

I’ve been around the block many times over in the last 10 years of being a coach online. I’ve spent over $200,000 in programmes, certifications, coaching and training, and I’ve run many programmes for all entrepreneur levels.

I’ve seen the patterns that hold capable business owners back, be it at beginner level or at 7-figures.

Have any of these knocked you down in the past?

You haven’t been consistent…

Usually we don’t take action when we’re confused. Instead of overwhelming you with marketing theory, we give you weekly action checklists so you know exactly what to do wach week.

We’ve also created triple accountability check ins within the community, accountability calls, group calls sessions and voxer.

You felt restricted by the teaching...

I understand the fine balance between knowing what to do, and feeling like you’re being shoved in a box. My strategy is highly adaptable to any client-focused business so you can easily tweak to fit your specific business and your unique brand. 

You didn’t have direction…

I’ve created a powerful, yet super simple strategy that you will have clear instruction on how to implement immediately. 

With a weekly checklist and easy access to me to ask questions, you’ll never be confused about how to grow your business again.

Your self doubt has held you back…

We have integrated mindset into the entire programme, so you’ll start transforming your mindset from day one. 

You’ll know exactly how to get yourself out of any mind funk within days of starting the programme. 

You didn't have enough time with the coach…

It’s easy to get lost in most coaching programmes. There’s just way too many people in there.

Instead, I deliberately keep each intake small so that I know all you personally. You’ll be able to ask your questions through all sessions. You’ll always have someone to support you in this programme.

You couldn’t do the tech side…

I feel you! After years of being head first in a funnel, I decided I was done with all the complex technology.

My strategies are so simple that even my grandma could manage. They are all based on human connection. If you can use Facebook, you can handle this strategy!

You couldn’t figure out your messaging…

My strategy is ALL about your message. We’ll get you super clear on who you serve, and everything falls into place. Then I’ll share my easy templates and message structures so you can plug and play your message within minutes.

Not to mention - we’ll be working on your message directly during the coaching calls.

What if this isn’t right for your business…

This strategy is so flexible it can be adapted to any client-focused business - and you’ll have the attention to guide you through implementing it in your specific business to meet your unique goals.

But, if you decide this programme isn’t right for you, we offer a 14 day “love it or leave it” money back guarantee.


This programme is for you if:

- You're craving to make an impact in the world

- You want to make at least $10,000 a month sharing your gifts and living your purpose

- You desire a proven, simple method to market your business and attract more clients

- You're a coach, healer, spiritual advisor, life coach, health coach, alternative health professional, home organiser, RTT therapist... or anyone who helps people for a living.

- You're coachable and action oriented. You're ready to take responsibility for your own success.

This programme is NOT for you if:

- You don't already run a service based business

- You're only focused on quick cash vs real impact

- You want to use these strategies for harm

- You're not ready to take action and responsibility to get your gifts into the world

"Loved the individualised coaching - this program is different from others"
Dorothy Villeneuve - Sales Confidence - Canada
"The smartest decision I've ever made professionally & personally"
Janie Graham - Ayurveda - Scotland

Apply to Income + Impact Accelerator Now:

Enrollment is currently closed.

Join the waitlist by emailing us on

Apply for Impact Accelerator Now



{Income + Impact} Accelerator comes with a 14 Day “Love it or Leave it” Money Back Guarantee.

I’m beyond convinced that this programme contains everything you require to create consistent $10k+ months in business.

Typically people who look for guarantees have one foot out of the door anyway. They haven’t ‘burnt the boats’ and committed to go all in. If you work this strategy, you will get results beyond your wildest dreams.

However, I understand that you may feel more comfortable with a guarantee, so I do offer you the chance to leave the programme up to 14 days from enrolment if you really feel it’s not for you. 

Apply for Impact Accelerator:

"It gave me permission to be me and promote in an aligned way"
Kimberly Kwon Davis - Life Coach - USA
"$6,000 in 90 days vs. $1,000 the year before as a brand new coach"
Stacy Kellogg - Life Transition Coach - USA

Apply to Income + Impact Accelerator Now:

Enrollment is currently closed.

Join the waitlist by emailing us on



How do I know if Impact Accelerator is the right program for me?
Impact Accelerator is designed as a practical, action-focused business programme that gets you RESULTS. We cannot have an impact unless we are financially stable and sharing our gifts with the world. This program helps you do both in the simplest way possible. If you want a simple, low tech system to get clients fast, with the expert support of an experienced business mentor who's been through it all already... and a beautiful community of like-hearted change-makers - Income + Impact Accelerator is for you.

Let's face it.. if this program wasn’t for you, you wouldn’t have read all the way down to here :)

Will I be able to make my investment in the program back during the 3 months?
Of course, no one in business makes any money unless they implement what they learn. However, the program is specifically designed to be actioned as you go, so that when you take action you can start getting clients and having more impact as soon as possible. You will be able to implement what you learn immediately, and the tweaks you make to your business as we go could help you make money even from month 1. 

I’m just getting started in my business, is this right for me?
This programme is designed for a business owner who already knows what they want to do in business and who they want to serve. Once you have these basics in place, Impact Accelerator will give you the rocket fuel you need to develop your message and start booking clients quickly.

I’m already established in my business, is this right for me?
Impact Accelerator is designed to help you create a consistent 6-figure business. The focus is on correct messaging and offers. If you want a simpler way to get clients, or you want to create more consistency in your sales, this program is for you.

I’m done with learning and I know I need to execute - why take another program?
If you're already hitting consistent $10k+ months in a way that feels great to you - then yes, you don't need to join! However, if you haven't yet hit your goals, your learning is not over. This program is ALL about execution. It's deliberately simple so that we can get you into action and start seeing real world results, with the support of an experienced business mentor who can guide you to get there fast.

Is this another large group program where I get lost in the crowd?
No. This group is deliberately intimate, likely at less than 20 people per intake. I want to know all of you personally and be able to deep dive into your business with you. This is not another large group program. Instead you will have my attention on all sessions so that you get the answers you need for your unique business.


I’ve developed a programme that gives you everything you need to attract high ticket clients consistently as a coach, healer, or someone who helps others for a living.

I’m so passionate about this work because the world needs more people like you stepping up and sharing your gifts.

You have such important work to do. It’s impossible for you to stay stuck trying to figure out where your next client is coming from. It’s time to elevate your efforts, to focus on being of highest service.

It’s your duty to get clients. You simply cannot spend another year watching the others in your industry travel the world, speak on stage or give generously to charity, while you’re stuck with credit card debt, just getting by,

It’s time to give your family - and YOU - the life you deserve!

If we are not working with clients, we’re not having an impact. We’re not helping others to maximise their potential,

If you’re not clear on your message, you’re not getting your gifts in front of the people who need them. You’re not helping people when they don’t know who you are.

Together, we will transform consciousness in the world. 

Your time is now. The world is calling for your help. 

Are you really going to let another year go by not living life fully?

It’s time to make a change.

To get the support you require to live your gifts and show up fully for yourself, for your family, and for the world.

I’m so excited to welcome you as the next member of Impact Accelerator™ and help you attract high ticket clients consistently so you can do what you’re meant for and be of highest service in the world.

Apply for Impact Accelerator Now:


If you've made it this far and have not yet scheduled your call, then you probably still have questions, just message me on Messenger on this page and me and my team will personally answer any question you might have! 🙂
With love,


Apply to Income + Impact Accelerator Now:

Enrollment is currently closed.

Join the waitlist by emailing us on

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